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On Friday my daughter started her senior year of high school. Because she's a very mature and responsible girl,(read-didn't really want MOM to help) I didn't go school shopping with her.
(Pretend you see a picture of a sad faced mother here)
When she returned she had bought 6 folders, 6 three ring binders, pens, pencils, paper, colored markers, some sort of bulletin board for her locker, a purse, a bookbag, tennis shoes, 5 pair of jeans, 10 shirts, a pair of capri's, a jacket, a sweatshirt and a bunch of stickers for fun. That trip was about $500.
I'm sure it could have been more except for the fact she loves the clearance rack!
There are several schools where the children are attending every day and most do not have pencils and paper - let alone all of the other items that are usually on a kids list for school supplies. Here is their school list.
#2 Pencils
Pens (blue or black ink)
8-12 Markers
Box of Colored Pencils
24 Count Crayons
Pencil Sharpener
12" Ruler metric measurements
1 Large Pink Pearl Eraser
Paper Notebook folders
$5 for school uniforms
Notebook Paper
I wandered down the dollar store isle and found the total cost for the items they were requesting was $15.00 plus the $5 for school uniforms.
Twenty bucks. Just $20 and a child could go have all of the necessary items to go to school. Do you miss having children at your house? Are you the mom (like me) who didn't get to go school shopping? Are you a National Honor Society member like my daughter who believes that learning is important? Do you just have an extra $20?
Send it to:
Most High Ministries
PO Box 180391
Tallahassee, FL 32318
Send one kid to school this year! And it won't cost you more than the price of one pair of jeans at the dollar store!
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