"Fishers of Men"
I will make you fishers of men, (throw out the fishing line)
Fishers of men, (throw out the fishing line)
Fishers of men, (throw out the fishing line)
I will make you fishers of men, (throw out the fishing line)
If you follow Me. (motion to come with me)
If you follow Me, (motion to come with me)
If you follow Me, (motion to come with me)
I will make you fishers of men, (throw out the fishing line)
If you follow Me. (motion to come with me)
Hear Christ calling (put your hand up to your ear)
Come unto Me,(motion to come with me)
Come unto Me, (motion to come with me)
Come unto Me,(motion to come with me)
Hear Christ calling, (put your hand up to your ear)
Come unto Me, (motion to come with me)
I will give You rest, (put your head on your hands)
I will give You rest, (put your head on your hands)
I will give You rest, (put your head on your hands)
Hear Christ calling, (put your hand up to your ear)
Come unto Me,motion to come with me)
I will give you rest. (put your head on your hands)
This song is so fun to sing with little children because, long before they are able to remember the words or how the tune goes... they remember the body motions that go with the song.
You start singing the song and they automatically start the motion. Fun, fun, fun.

So "DO" sing this song with your children and grandchildren. You'll be happy when you see your little baby praising God, even before they are old enough to talk.
I mentioned Bobby and Sherry because they are missionaries in Haiti and they like to "do".
Whether they are building churches and schools, like this one in Le Tant, or holding a mobile medical clinic in a mountain village, Love A Child works every day to help the people of Haiti. In Le Tant, we are building block houses for poor families and individuals to replace mud and stick huts. In Fond Parisien, we built a fish farm near our orphanage to provide fresh tilapia. We dig wells and distribute seeds to farmers, we even raise goats!
See... you knew somehow I'd get back around to goats didn't you!!! I do love my goats!
This is not my song "Fishers of Men" but it's a nice new version. I though maybe you'd like to hear it...
Matthew 4:19 Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
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