My student Jhonny (yes Jh...) loves JFK and expecially loves the quote, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". Well Jhonny, let me tell you...we promise we are going to do for your country! |
On November 29, 2011 President Martelly and President Clinton were at the IDB Forum in Port au Prince. I was fortunate enough to be at the same forum. During this forum President Martelly announced, "Haiti is open for business." Indeed it is! In this picture President Clinton and I had just talked and he was signing some papers so I took the moment to take his picture. (It's kind of hard to take a picture of someone WHILE you are talking to them!)
I was also lucky enough to meet Vicente Fox the former President of Mexico. Mexico is supporting the growth of Haiti! Thank you President Fox! |
This is the reason Haiti is working so hard to invite investors-the children. The kids in this picture are living next to the property where my team is hoping to build 204 houses. During the site visit the kids were gathered around and I asked another team member (Ricardo) to take our picture. In Haiti learning English is important. If we are awarded the 204 house contract from USAID, I'll go to Haiti to teach English. We plan to teach to build while learning English and.... we know it can be done! The next picture is of my students who have learned English in less than a year, one hour a day via Skype with me. These guys have changed my life!
They are the future leaders of Haiti!
This is Nadège Robertson Tippenhauer and Hans Tippenhauer. Nadège and I spent several hours chatting about all of the great things that women can do in Haiti. She's a really cool lady all on her own. Executive Director of http://foundationhopeforhaiti.org/ she's devoted to helping the kids of Haiti. She's my kind of woman! Her husband Hans is an advisor to President Martelly. Together they are going to do good things for Haiti and I love their energy and commmitment!
And last but not least, this is Annie getting a hug from President Clinton. She's the team leader and I'm proud to be on her team! Together two housewives from America are going to help change Haiti! Please join us! Send me an email at vickisvision@gmail.com and offer something... thoughts, suggestions, money, your time.... anything. I promise that I will be able to use your skills to help Haiti rise from the dust!
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