He's a Navy guy! (Don't you just love men in uniform? Of course I'm a little partial because my son is in the service... November 2008 update. BOTH of my sons are in the Navy!) Marc Boisvert has inspired enough people to raise enough money to buy over 100 acres, built two schools, an orphanage and a soup kitchen. In my opinion, he is the poster child for "CAN DO".
I write this blog every day hoping to inspire you to find a cause. Any cause.
I think because we are humans and are always - always- always questioning power! Any power, be it your boss, your spouse, your government or your God. We question always WHY. I bet you are sitting there wondering to yourself, why does she want me to have a cause?
Here is why...I want you to just take it for granted that Matthew is telling us the truth and giving you the reason why you need a cause. Who's Matthew you ask? Well he's a tax collector and as Forest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that."
Anyway Matthew said:
When God is ready to judge all of us we will be judged equally. Everyone will be asked the same questions and God will save those who have been obedient. If you read Matthew's words you will know that without a doubt those who have fed the hungry, welcomed a stranger, given clothing to the naked and cared for the sick and those in prison. Will be saved.
Father Marc has a cause and he didn't sit around wondering why.
Do you want to know why he knows the first name of over 600 children?Do you want to know why he knows them?
Hmmm.... he doesn't ask why... he provides over 1,200 children with academic and vocational educations and manages to see to it that 3,000 meals are prepared and served daily.
He believes Matthew and on Thursday, December 01, 2005 Father Marc wrote:

When I read what he wrote, I was so amazed. He wasn't asking why this was happening, he was just asking us to pray.
He didn't think, "Gosh I should pray for my own work........" He prayed for the orphanage that was failing.
Isn't it just the greatest thing, that when you pray, you don't only have one prayer? You are allowed to pray for as many as you want and the prayer you gave away, won't take away from your prayers! Your allotment of prayers will never run out. I've found infact, the more I pray, the more I have to pray about!
Back to who has inspired me today. Father Marc.

His children live at Hope Village. Please take time and read his blog because if I can't inspire you to find a cause, I have faith that he can.
I believe Matthew 25 speaks to me and I pray it speaks to you when you are looking for a cause....for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.
So don't ask why. Simply - Just do it!
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