Thursday, May 26, 2011

Looking Forward

My life is my story and I choose to share it with my readers because I believe we all have something to share and you are no exception. If you are a first time visitor or a return visitor I invite you to look at your own life and find the things that have impacted you the most. Those events are what we commonly call life changing events. They are the things that shape who you are what you do, how you think and they lead you towards your greater purpose.

The Bible tells us before we were formed in the womb God knew us by name, we are His and he has a plan to give us hope and a future. Every single day of our life has been prepared for us. Look forward to His plans.

My blog (or collection of blogs) has been a process of identifying my dreams, core values and beliefs. I’ve shared everything from a personal letter to my son to how messy my pantry looks, my birthday (twice!), the sadness I feel for the conditions in Haiti, my cool job, statistics, funny moments and my struggle listening to God. Along the way there have been a couple of life changing experiences. I am looking forward to Gods plan for me and the life changing events that are sure to come my way.

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